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Depending on your pet’s condition and the severity of their symptoms, your veterinarian may recommend referral to a veterinary specialist.

What Is a Veterinary Specialist?

According to The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA):

“A veterinary specialist is a veterinarian who has completed additional training in a specific area of veterinary medicine and has passed an examination that evaluates their knowledge and skills in that specialty area. Currently, there are 22 AVMA-recognized veterinary specialty organizations comprising 41 distinct specialties.”

Some specialty areas include:

  • Anesthesia
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Internal medicine
  • Nutrition
  • Ophthalmology
  • Radiology
  • Surgery

Your veterinarian may refer your pet to a veterinary specialist for a number of reasons. One of the most common of these is that your pet’s diagnosis or treatment requires the advanced expertise of a specialist. Veterinary specialists also have access to diagnostic or surgical equipment that may not be available in your local practice.

How Does the Referral Process Work?

In most cases, your veterinarian will suggest a referral when appropriate. However, it may be possible to refer yourself if you believe your pet can benefit from the expertise of a specialist. Please consult with your veterinarian if you would like to discuss this option.

You will usually be referred to a specialist in your area. Please be aware that most veterinary specialists are based in major cities, and may be harder to locate in rural areas. Some specialists may also have longer waiting times than others.

The specialist will give you an estimate of costs before treating your pet so you can decide whether or not to proceed. If your pet undergoes treatment, the veterinary specialist will work closely with your veterinarian to ensure your pet receives the best treatment possible. Typically, veterinarians and veterinary specialists will share a wide range of information including medical histories, test results, and diagnostic records.

Veterinary specialists are brought on board to address a single health issue. This means that they will refer you back to your veterinarian for routine veterinary procedures. If you’d like more information about the referral process, please consult with your veterinarian.

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