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Fleas and ticks are external parasites that can cause a wide range of health issues in cats and dogs. Bites from these pests can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. They can also put your pet at risk of a number of serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses.

Fleas can cause illnesses such as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), anemia, cat-scratch disease, and tapeworms. Ticks can also cause dangerous and potentially fatal conditions, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Many of the diseases spread by fleas and ticks can also be transmitted to humans. For this reason, it is vital to protect your pet from parasites year-round to prevent an infestation in your home.

Protecting Your Home and Garden from Fleas and Ticks

The first step in the fight against pests is to protect your home and garden. Inside the home, it’s important to keep things clean and tidy. Regularly vacuum furnishings and carpets to eliminate possible hiding places for fleas and ticks.

Keep bed linens and pet beds pest-free by routinely laundering them at a high-temperature setting. Pests love hiding places, so be sure to de-clutter your home and avoid letting items such as dirty laundry pile up on the floor.

In the garden, make sure to cut back areas of long grass or vegetation that can harbor pests. Fleas and ticks like to hide out in warm and shady places, so it’s best to eliminate any obvious hiding places such as piles of wood or dead leaves.

Checking Your Pet for Fleas and Ticks

It is also important to check your pet regularly for fleas and ticks. We recommend using a fine-toothed flea comb that’s designed to remove fleas and their eggs from your pet’s fur. If you find fleas on your pet, make sure to bathe them thoroughly using a medicated flea shampoo.

To identify ticks, run your hands along your pet’s body after they return from outside. If you locate a tick, it’s vital to remove it gently with tweezers or a specialized tick-removal tool to prevent infection.

Flea and Tick Preventatives

There are a wide variety of safe, veterinary-approved flea and tick preparations on the market that offer year-round protection against parasites. These include spot-on treatments, oral medications, chewable tablets, medicated collars, and natural flea and tick preventatives.

It is important to choose a flea and tick preventative that’s safe, effective, and long-lasting. Modern pest preventatives that contain isoxazolines are considered safe for most animals and offer excellent protection for a period of three months. However, it is vital to consult with your veterinarian before deciding on the best flea and tick control solution for your pet

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