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Vaccines stimulate a dog’s immune system by introducing modified infectious organisms into the bloodstream. This prepares your dog’s body to fight off disease. Vaccinating your dog is one of the simplest ways to protect them against serious illnesses throughout their lifetime. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) classifies vaccines for dogs as core, noncore, and […]

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Vaginitis is the medical term for inflammation of the vagina. The condition is more common in dogs than cats and is often seen in prepubertal (sexually immature) animals. Causes of Vaginitis There are many potential causes of vaginitis in pets. These include urinary tract infections, vaginal trauma, urinary incontinence, and foreign bodies within the vaginal […]

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The vestibular system has components located in the inner ear and brain. Its job is to regulate the body’s ability to maintain balance and coordination. Vestibular disease is a condition in which the vestibular system functions abnormally, resulting in a sudden disturbance of balance. The condition can affect both cats and dogs and is most […]

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Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of food from the stomach. It is common in dogs and cats and can indicate a wide range of underlying health issues. Causes of Vomiting There are multiple causes of vomiting in pets. Some of the most common of these are food allergies, ingestion of spoiled or toxic food, dietary […]

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Whipworms are a type of parasite with a whip-like shape that can invade a pet’s gastrointestinal tract. They are relatively common in dogs, but rare in cats. Whipworm infection is known as trichuriasis. If left untreated, pets with the condition can develop serious and potentially life-threatening symptoms. Causes of Whipworms Several species of whipworms are […]

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Depending on your pet’s condition and the severity of their symptoms, your veterinarian may recommend referral to a veterinary specialist. What Is a Veterinary Specialist? According to The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): “A veterinary specialist is a veterinarian who has completed additional training in a specific area of veterinary medicine and has passed an […]

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Inappropriate elimination is a common feline behavioral problem that can be messy and frustrating to deal with. But understanding the reasons behind your cat’s behavior can help you to prevent it. The reasons for cats not using their litter box can be broken down into three main categories: territorial marking, medical issues, and environmental problems. […]

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Yeast is a fungus that exists naturally on your pet’s body. Yeast infections occur when yeast organisms flourish and reproduce uncontrollably. When this happens, the fungus can spread throughout the body causing a wide range of health problems. Causes of Yeast Infections A compromised immune system is the principal underlying cause of yeast infection in […]

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