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If your pet is a picky eater, you may be concerned that they are not getting the nutrition they need from their food. In this fact sheet, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons for this common problem and share our top tips for dealing with a picky eater.

Health Reasons for Picky Eating in Pets

If your pet is refusing to eat their food, it is important to rule out underlying health issues that may be contributing to the problem. Some of the most common health problems that result in picky eating include periodontal disease, digestive issues, infection, joint pain, and trauma.

Please be aware that some of these health issues can be difficult to detect. For this reason, if your pet is a picky eater, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out underlying health problems.

Tips for Encouraging Your Pet to Eat

If health problems have been ruled out as the cause of picky eating, your pet has a behavioral problem that needs to be addressed. In this section of the fact sheet, we’ll share some tips for encouraging your pet to eat.

Experiment with Different Types of Foods

Often, pets will refuse to eat because they find the food you serve unappealing. We recommend experimenting with different types of foods to discover your pet’s unique preferences.

If your pet refuses to eat dry food, try mixing in some wet food to make it more appealing. It’s also a good idea to introduce your pet to foods with different flavors, textures, and formulas. Please remember to read pet food labels, and choose healthy food that’s complete and balanced.

Avoid Feeding Table Scraps and Limit Treats

Feeding your pet table scraps can cause them to develop an aversion to their regular food. Many human foods are also high in fat, and can lead to health problems such as obesity and gastrointestinal issues in pets. To add to the problem, some human foods such as onions, grapes, and chocolate are highly toxic to pets.

Avoid feeding table scraps to protect your pet’s health and discourage picky eating. We also recommend limiting the number of treats you feed your pet. This will encourage them to eat at set mealtimes.

Stick to a Regular Feeding Routine

Sticking to a regular feeding routine can ease feelings of anxiety that may lead to picky eating. We recommend feeding your pet in the same place, at the same time each day. It is also a good idea to provide your pet with plenty of privacy while they are eating. Please speak to your veterinarian for more information about choosing an appropriate feeding schedule for your pet.

More Quick Tips

If your pet still needs a little encouragement to eat, we recommend the following tips:

  • Warm your pet’s food to body temperature
  • Keep your pet’s bowl clean
  • Avoid leaving food out for too long
  • Try changing the type of bowl your pet eats from
  • Provide puzzle feeders to make mealtimes more engaging.
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