This year KatyDid and I had to good fortune to be invited back to Frisco Independent School District’s Wester Middle School for the 6th year in a row to participate in their annual career day program. Wester’s career day goals are to encourage students to begin thinking about their futures beyond school from local professionals who can be for them positive role models in various occupations. In addition, often this brief introduction to a vocation can provide students with a positive connection between what to some may feel like mundane school routines and expectations for what they can do later in the work place. Often a taste of what could be aids in preparation of students for future high school work, and more excitingly, can introduce students to fields of study of which they may have little to no prior knowledge, providing them added insight into a career they might never have considered before.
LazyPaw Animal Hospitals has always been a service oriented company whose veterinary team is dedicated to providing top level service to both clients and patients; however, our community involvement does not stop here. It is important to us to try to positively impact area residents. Animals are amazing in part because they are full of genuine love that continually gives, and we want to be the same when it comes to supporting our Frisco neighbors and at-large DFW community. We want our practice mission to reflect an attitude of service, giving, and community involvement so we can be the best veterinary hospital and local business possible. It is for these reasons that we are grateful for the opportunity to share with your children a little bit about what we do and why in the hope that we can inspire them to do great things down the road.