Veterinarian Jobs in Frisco, TX
LazyPaw Animal Hospital in Frisco, TX is looking to add to our team of first-rate veterinarians to better serve our growing community. We welcome applications from both seasoned vets and new graduates looking for veterinarian jobs in Frisco and Dallas-Fort Worth for the first time. If you’re committed to being a great vet to our patients, then we want to be committed to you.
Job Description
We are a general veterinary practice located in Frisco, Texas. Luckily we are surrounded by numerous overnight and specialty clinics. We leverage our good relationships with specialists by sending them good cases. When owners can’t or won’t take the referral our Board Certified friends give us solid actionable advice. Our friends who operate overnight clinics ensure that we only stay overnight for a patient by our choice which happens sometimes when you take a case personally. Every veterinarian has those cases.
Work Life Balance at LazyPaw
Work Life Balance aren’t just words at LazyPaw. Below are some examples of what that actually means in real life; not the wish casting you will see at other companies but real day to day steps we take to find that work life balance.
- Well Behaved Patients and Nice Owners: We don’t like being injured and we don’t like unreasonable people. Aggressive animals and unreasonable people are asked to leave.
- Professionally Satisfying Mix of Cases: You will treat everything from general wellness, small problems like UTI’s, URI’s and itchy dogs, major medical problems and challenging surgeries, and of course routine surgeries and dentals.
- Time to Think: Most appointments are scheduled in 30min blocks so you have the time to do your job.
- No Medicine by Algorithm: You actually get to think and treat your clients and patients. We have medical high medical standards, and if you can’t meet those you can’t work here. Not every case is by the numbers. Many have twists and turns due to client needs or unique case presentation. You won’t be entering symptoms into a computer that spits out your treatment plan. The algorithm is your brain.
- Hospitalized Major Problems: We routinely admit patients for the day for diagnostics and therapy. We have a well-established protocol for dropping the patient off giving you time to run your diagnostics, start therapy and communicate with owners about follow up care.
- Anesthesia: We require bloodwork, intubation, and a dedicated tech for monitoring and IV catheters on every anesthesia. You will never be required to run anesthesia without good data, good equipment and a responsible talented team. You won’t be hung out to dry running anesthesia alone while trying to perform a surgery at the same time.
- PTO: We are transparent about your Paid Time Off. You will know how many paid days off you have at any given time.
- Fixed Schedules: No surprises. We will decide together what your “typical week” schedule will be long in advance so you can plan your life without being surprised by an unexpected shift.
- No On-Call Ever: We close at 6pm and take Sunday’s off. No exceptions. No emails to answer. No beeping or texting. When we are off duty we are off duty.
- Mentorship: We have a diverse group of veterinarians, technicians and managers who offer mentorships of all kinds. Visit our webzone and read about different mentorship styles and programs at LazyPaw.
- Generous CE: We will give you a generous Continuing Education budget to work within, freedom to choose your favorite CE events and paid days off to attend CE.
- No Petty Competition: We graduated high school and left those behaviors behind. We don’t tolerate divas or inflated egos. We don’t race on surgery times, compare revenue numbers and we have zero tolerance for vets who are ugly to staff. There are exceptions. We do have outsized petty competitions during occasional laser tag, Top Golf or bowling nights. Obviously winning the escape room is mission critical.
- When You Make Mistakes: Management won’t make a public scene. We correct mistakes privately behind closed doors after the emotion has settled, usually at a regular scheduled meeting. No public “call outs” or ego crushing public rants. We talk like adults behind closed doors and find real life solutions.
- Regular Meetings: We do not manage by ambush. We have several regularly scheduled meetings of several types from all staff meetings, vet meetings and executive meetings. It is in these round table meetings where we discuss future ideas, correcting flow and scheduling problems etc etc. Having regularly scheduled meetings diffuses the instinct to ambush people because you know there is a proper forum to discuss ideas.
General Benefits
- 401K
- Health Insurance
- Current License with the State of Texas to practice Veterinary Medicine
- Current DEA License
- New Graduates are welcome and encouraged.
To apply, send both a Cover Letter and a Resume addressed to the Practice Manager at