Wellness and Vaccines

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Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication used to treat fungal infections in cats and dogs. It is also used to treat hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease). The medication is commonly known by the brand name Nizoral. It works by inhibiting the growth of fungal cell walls. Uses and Benefits Ketoconazole is used to treat a variety of internal […]

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Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by spiral-shaped bacteria called Leptospira. It is a zoonotic disease, this means that it can be spread between many species including dogs, cats, and humans. The condition is highly contagious and can lead to dangerous and potentially life-threatening symptoms if left untreated. Causes of Leptospirosis Leptospira bacteria thrive in […]

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Lyme disease is a bacterial illness that can affect both humans and animals. It is spread by certain species of ticks and can lead to potentially dangerous symptoms. Causes of Lyme Disease Lyme disease is rare in cats but relatively common in dogs. It is transmitted through the bite of a tick infected with the […]

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Mast cells are a type of cell that are found in tissues throughout the body. They are particularly numerous in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and organs such as the lungs and liver. Mast cells are an important part of an animal’s immune system and help protect against allergens and inflammation. Mast cell tumors occur when […]

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Multidrug resistance mutation 1 (MDR-1) is an inherited genetic mutation that causes dogs to be more sensitive to certain medications. When given these drugs, animals with the MDR-1 gene mutation can suffer from severe and potentially life-threatening reactions. Causes of MDR-1 Mutation Some dogs are born with a mutation in the MDR-1 gene, which is […]

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Meningitis is a condition in which the meninges (the membranes that cover the spinal cord and brain) become inflamed. This serious neurologic disease can be fatal to cats and dogs, and requires emergency medical treatment. Causes of Meningitis Meningitis usually occurs as a result of bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infection that spreads to the […]

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Metronidazole is an antibiotic and antiprotozoal medication used to treat diarrhea, inflammation of the large intestine, and various types of infections in cats and dogs. It is commonly known by the brand name Flagyl. The medication works by stopping the growth of certain microorganisms, although the exact mechanism of action is not fully understood. Uses […]

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Epistaxis (nosebleed), is a condition in which bleeding occurs from the nasal cavity. It is common in cats and dogs and can be caused by a number of underlying factors. Causes of Nosebleeds Trauma, stress, infection, and foreign bodies in the nasal cavity are some of the most common causes of epistaxis. Other causes include […]

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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in both humans and animals to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever. In dogs, they are commonly prescribed to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis. NSAIDs may also be used to manage short-term pain in cats and dogs. How NSAIDS Work NSAIDs work by reducing the production of chemicals called […]

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Oral papillomas are benign tumors found in or around the mouth. These small, wart-like growths are caused by the papilloma virus and can affect both cats and dogs. Causes of Oral Papillomas The papilloma virus is highly contagious. It can be easily spread through direct contact, especially when pets share bowls or toys. Since the virus […]

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Osteoarthritis, also known as a degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a progressive condition that causes deterioration of the joints. Unlike arthritis, which is the medical name for inflammation, osteoarthritis refers to a form of chronic joint inflammation that is directly caused by degeneration of joint cartilage. The condition affects both cats and dogs and is […]

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The pancreas is an organ located on the right side of the abdomen. It performs a number of vital functions in the body including producing digestive enzymes and hormones such as insulin. Pancreatitis is a condition in which the pancreas becomes inflamed. The disease can occur in cats and dogs of any age, size, and […]

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If your pet is a picky eater, you may be concerned that they are not getting the nutrition they need from their food. In this fact sheet, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons for this common problem and share our top tips for dealing with a picky eater. Health Reasons for Picky […]

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Prednisone and NSAIDs are common medications that are used to treat pain and inflammation. Although both types of drug are safe for use in pets when administered correctly, combining them can cause dangerous side effects and should always be avoided. About Prednisone Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that acts as an anti-inflammatory It is […]

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Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that acts as an anti-inflammatory. It is prescribed to manage inflammation in a wide range of conditions in both cats and dogs. Although prednisone can be very effective for managing and treating medical conditions including allergies, autoimmune diseases, and some types of cancer, it should be always be used […]

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Radiography is a common imaging technique that uses X-rays to examine tissues, internal organs, and bones. It is a useful tool that can help your veterinarian diagnose and treat many medical conditions in pets. How Does Radiography Work? Radiography machines project a beam of X-rays, a form of electromagnetic radiation, onto a photographic plate. When […]

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Radiography is a common imaging technique that uses X-rays to examine tissues, internal organs, and bones. It is a useful tool that can help your veterinarian diagnose and treat many medical conditions in pets. How Does Radiography Work? Radiography machines project a beam of X-rays, a form of electromagnetic radiation, onto a photographic plate. When […]

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Radiography is a common imaging technique that uses X-rays to examine tissues, internal organs, and bones. It is a useful tool that can help your veterinarian diagnose and treat many medical conditions in pets. How Does Radiography Work? Radiography machines project a beam of X-rays, a form of electromagnetic radiation, onto a photographic plate. When […]

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Rimadyl (carprofen) is a medication used to treat pain and inflammation. It is FDA-approved for use in dogs, but is generally not recommended for cats. The medication belongs to a class of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). It works by reducing hormones that lead to pain and inflammation. Uses and Benefits Rimadyl is used to […]

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Despite its name, ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a fungal infection, not a type of parasitic worm. It is caused by several species of fungi called dermatophytes that infect the outer layers of the skin and hair. Ringworm is zoonotic, this means that it can be transmitted between people and animals. Left untreated, ringworm can cause painful […]

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Salmonella Infection Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is a bacterial illness caused by salmonella bacteria. Salmonella is zoonotic, this means that it can be transmitted between species. Left untreated, salmonella infection can lead to a wide range of dangerous symptoms in humans and animals. Causes of Salmonella Infection There are over 2,000 strains of salmonella bacteria, many […]

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Simplicef (cefpodoxime proxetil) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. It works by suppressing the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and protozoa. Simplicefis FDA-approved for use in dogs. It may also be used to treat cats under the guidance of your veterinarian. Uses and Benefits Simplicef is used to treat skin infections […]

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Sudden weight loss is a common problem in cats and dogs that can be caused by a wide range of health issues. In general, sudden weight loss that exceeds 10 percent of an animal’s body weight can indicate a serious underlying condition. Causes of Sudden Weight Loss There are multiple potential causes of sudden weight […]

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Tear stains are dark patches of discoloration that can occur around a pet’s eyes. Although they do not pose any danger in themselves, they can be a sign of an underlying health condition. For this reason, we recommend seeking veterinary care if tear stains are an ongoing problem for your pet. Causes of Tear Stains […]

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Temaril-P is a medication used to treat itching and coughing in dogs. It contains an antihistamine called Trimeprazine and a corticosteroid called Prednisolone. Thanks to its active ingredients, the medication works in two ways. Trimeprazine counteracts histamine, a chemical that causes itchiness and inflammation during an allergic reaction. Prednisolone acts like cortisol, a naturally occurring […]

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An ultrasound test is a painless and non-invasive medical procedure used to view structures within the body. It is routinely performed in veterinary practices to help diagnose a range of conditions in pets. How Does Ultrasound Work? An ultrasound machine emits and receives high-frequency ultrasound waves that are inaudible to humans. These sound waves are […]

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Upper respiratory infections (URIs) affect the bronchi, trachea, nose, and throat. They are usually caused by bacteria or viruses and produce symptoms that are similar to those of the common cold in humans. URIs are highly contagious and can spread quickly and easily between pets of the same species. Causes of URIs The two most […]

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Urinary incontinence is a condition characterized by involuntary lack of bladder control. It is common in pets and can be caused by a variety of underlying illnesses or behavioral issues. Causes of Urinary Incontinence Common causes of urinary incontinence include urinary tract infections, bladder stones, inflammatory disease, bladder or urinary tract abnormalities, and hormonal issues. […]

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in dogs, and in most cases, they are entirely treatable. Because these conditions can be painful and uncomfortable, it’s important to look out for warning signs that your dog maybe suffering from a UTI. Causes of UTIs The number one cause of UTIs in dogs is a bacterial infection. […]

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Vaccines stimulate a dog’s immune system by introducing modified infectious organisms into the bloodstream. This prepares your dog’s body to fight off disease. Vaccinating your dog is one of the simplest ways to protect them against serious illnesses throughout their lifetime. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) classifies vaccines for dogs as core, noncore, and […]

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The vestibular system has components located in the inner ear and brain. Its job is to regulate the body’s ability to maintain balance and coordination. Vestibular disease is a condition in which the vestibular system functions abnormally, resulting in a sudden disturbance of balance. The condition can affect both cats and dogs and is most […]

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Inappropriate elimination is a common feline behavioral problem that can be messy and frustrating to deal with. But understanding the reasons behind your cat’s behavior can help you to prevent it. The reasons for cats not using their litter box can be broken down into three main categories: territorial marking, medical issues, and environmental problems. […]

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Yeast is a fungus that exists naturally on your pet’s body. Yeast infections occur when yeast organisms flourish and reproduce uncontrollably. When this happens, the fungus can spread throughout the body causing a wide range of health problems. Causes of Yeast Infections A compromised immune system is the principal underlying cause of yeast infection in […]

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